I'm going to provide you with the code that makes it possible to set bounds to range slider handles (minimum and maximum) and some more sugar along with it.
I needed to create a range slider that is a bit smarter than the one provided by jQuery UI library that only allows to set minimum and maximum values for the whole slider, but I needed to set a few things more. I had to provide a range slider that would allow users to select time range between midnight and midday the next day (36 hours all together). These were my requirements:
- Lower handle can only move to midnight the next day (so it can move between 00:00 and 1d 00:00) - this simply means that time range must start today
- Selected range must be at least 1 hour wide
- Selected range can't be wider than 24 hours all together
handler, but tha wouldn't be reusable and it would also not allow me to do some additional things I implemented along. Want to know which ones?